CSX and SP B36-7 Models From Rapido!So the Meridian Speedway has taken delivery of quite a few freight cars and locomotives this year that did not make the blog. My first four Rapido B36-7's showed up today, however, and they are noteworthy! CSXT 5809, CSXT 5895, and CSXT 5923 along with SP 7756 made up this shipment from TrainWorld. I made it home just in time from my daughter's soccer tournament in Granbury to sign for the package from Fedex.... The pictures speak for themselves...these models are fine! After the disappointment from my recent delivery of four ScaleTrains Santa Fe C44-9W's (the colors match nothing previously out and running) I thought I'd put four model manufacturers products side-by-side to see how the SP Scarlet Red compares. Left-to-right are Fox Valley Models, Rapido, Atlas, and Athearn Genesis models: While there is some difference, they are all compatible. With minimal weathering no one will notice. Contrast this with the difference between four ScaleTrains Santa Fe C44-9W's and an Atlas Santa Fe C40-8W below. These are not compatible under any circumstances! I have boxed up the ScaleTrains C44-9W's and have tabled them for NT&O repaints in the future. Enjoy!